Peace Ambassador and Golden Rule Dialogue Expert, Dr. Clyde Rivers, was in Aiken,
South Carolina on the last weekend in January, to facilitate a Law Enforcement
and community conciliatory conversation.
In what
was billed as the 2017 South Carolina PACE (Police and Community Engagement)
Summit, Dr. Rivers helped navigate the attendees through three challenging
topics: 1.) Unraveling the Criminal Justice System: Rights, Roles and Rhetoric,
2.) Building Mutual Trust and Legitimacy with Law Enforcement and Community,
and 3.) Developing Tools to Effectively Engage Diverse Communities.
Summit, which was attended by about 80 people, included the mayor of Aiken,
police chiefs and other representatives from law enforcement, fire and safety
officials, the U.S. Attorney's office, and various community and religious
Rivers opened the Summit by speaking to the group about what he has seen all
over the world. He explained the value and benefit of having law enforcement by
describing what it is like in places that don't have it.
the beginning of the sessions the questions and comments were filled with fear,
suspicion and accusation," explained Professor, Dr. Donella Pitzl, a
Golden Rule Dialogue Chamber Leader, "But, by the end of the Summit, the
conversation was filled with understanding and intentional efforts to honor one
drastic change was due largely to Dr. Rivers' strategy through an exercise he
calls, “Listening for Change,” wherein all parties are asked to genuinely
listen to one another. For example, in response to the accusation that
police officers target minorities, the officers were able to explain that they
are responding to calls. They don't have control over where the calls are
coming from. Through that simple exchange, understanding was able to come to
the surface.
though we have hosted this type of Golden Rule dialogue around the world,"
said Dr. Rivers "I learned something new today. I saw that each side was
approaching the issues from their own histories. I saw that if your history is
the only history, then you will miss the history of others."
River's final assessment was that the Summit produced great talks. Even though
it was very difficult conversation, there was great participation from all
wants the same goal," concluded Dr. Rivers. "We all want peaceful
community. I believe America, through Golden Rule Dialogue, has a great
starting point to cultivate safe communities."
Dr. Clyde
Rivers, is the Founder and President of iChange Nations™ and he is the global
expert on Golden Rule Dialogue. He travels the world promoting Golden
Rule Dialogue and honoring people who live the Golden Rule every day. The
Golden Rule is simply, “Treat others the way you want to be treated.” Dr.
Rivers believes every life is valuable and created for a contribution to our
world and that without peace, that contribution can be lost. If that
contribution is lost, our entire world loses.
I travel around the world," observes Dr. Rivers "I see many people
who are doing or have done amazing things, but they are often under the radar
and out of the spotlight. They are the unsung heroes of our world. I want to
honor their service to humanity and inspire others to also strive for something
greater than themselves."
Nations™ is the World’s Largest Honoring Network, establishing Cultures of
Honor around the world. ICN has fostered a movement that is bringing back
honor to the world. They look to honor people at global, national, state
and community levels, who have made positive contributions in helping mankind.
Golden Rule Dialogue and honoring others are working hand-in-hand to
change the world.
Nations™ is also a professional institution that builds international Statesmen
by equipping, mentoring and training highly esteemed individuals who have the
desire to change nations throughout the world. This organization is
seeking to bring global awareness by strategically helping countries educate,
train and support a nation-building process that is designed to improve the
dignity and betterment of human life. This international platform focuses on
establishing effective relationships; while helping people understand the value
of honor and basic human rights.
Written by Dr. Christopher G. Green
Dr. Christopher Green is an international
columnist/writer with the Global Journalism Award winning team of Dr. Clyde
Rivers and iChange Nations Social Media News™.
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