Monday, January 13, 2014

Ambassador Clyde Rivers Speaks to the Nation of Burundi

Ambassador Clyde Rivers pictured left

December 26, 2013 Ambassador Clyde Rivers spoke to the nation of Burundi at the President’s Bi-Annual Crusade.

Ambassador Rivers said, “It is a great honor to have the opportunity to teach a nation about the Kingdom of God and how to be a great nation.” Ambassador Rivers taught the nation the importance of vision and leadership. He said, “The building of a nation on the correct foundation will keep the favor of God upon that nation.” Ambassador Rivers used the example of America as a nation founded on the principles of God and the blessings that have followed America.

Ambassador Rivers sees the nation of Burundi building on the principles of the Kingdom of God. “This nation is and will continue to be a great nation as it strives to build upon the principles of God. It is Burundi time in 2014” says Ambassador Rivers.

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