Burundi Advisor, Rachael Schweiger (left) with School Representative
Mount Scott Elementary School will be visited by His Excellency Ambassador Clyde Rivers, Ph.D. the Honorary Ambassador at Large for The Republic of Burundi. He will attend an assembly on Thursday, February 17th to kick off the Mount Scott Elementary-Burundi Education Project that has the students at Mount Scott raising funds for school supplies for a school in Burundi . Ambassador Rivers said, “This is a great privilege for the country of Burundi to partner with such an elite organization as the North Clackamas School District in Oregon .” He commends Mount Scott Principal, Ms. Shayne, for teaching her students to help not only their own community but children across the world in Africa . Top Advisor for the Ambassador’s Office, Rachael Schweiger, who met with school officials, praised them saying, “The school’s spirit of excellence and enthusiasm to do this program is exactly what we need to continue advancing the country of Burundi .” We are working to achieve these same outstanding qualities throughout Burundi .
i go to that school!!!!