Tuesday, July 1, 2014

His Excellency Alfonso Munera Cavadia, Secretary-General of Caribbean States, Receives Prestigious iChange Nations Global Leadership Award

H.E. Alfonso Cavadia with Ambassador Clyde Rivers

H.E. Alfonso Munera Cavadia has received the prestigious iChange Nations Global Leadership Award for his excellence in leadership of the Association of Caribbean States.

The mission of iChange Nations™ is to bring back the lost art of honor by building a culture that recognizes individuals throughout the world, those who have accomplished extraordinary humanitarian efforts to effectively change nations. iChange Nations™ with its collaborative partners have implemented an International Honorary Award infrastructure to empower and equip our citizens and alumni members with the tools needed to effectively pursue and transform the world.

The President and Founder of iChange Nations Dr. Clyde Rivers said, “It’s a prime day for iChange Nations to find worthy global leaders and to have the opportunity to recognize them for their stupendous achievements around the world. Dr. Alfonso Munera Cavadia is one of the brilliant leaders that the international community would be wise to recognize as a solution finder for the worlds’ problems. He is a man of global understanding and integrity. The unification he has brought to the Association of Caribbean States has created another level of dialogue, carrying the Association of Caribbean States to higher achievement. iChange Nations, the elite global leadership organization bringing back the last art of honor, is very pleased to have this great exemplary leader as one of our recipients of the iChange Nations Global Leadership Award.”

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